Video: DSN’s best-of series

At the end of 2015 and 2016, I wanted a way to highlight the minds behind the great work coming out of Design Studio Nashville. So I asked designers to pick their favorite pages of the year, and invited them in to talk about them. I took their audio and mixed it with stills of the pages and paired it with music.

Here are some of the videos that came out of those sessions.

Richard Mullins – DSN favorites from 2015 from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

Tyler Remmel — Design Studio Nashville favorite pages from 2015 from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

Pamela Tseng — Design Studio Nashville favorite pages from 2015 from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

Bill Campling — DSN favorites pages from 2015 from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

John Mathis – DSN favorites from 2015 from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

Maddie Kleinman: 2016 Favorite Pages from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

Chelsea Leonard: 2016 Favorite Pages from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

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